Hi, I'm Ella

and I'm a full stack web developer based in Brisbane, Australia.

I am an open, responsive and passionate team player. A considerate and compassionate coder viewing software development as a craft where interactions with people matter and communication skills are required for success.

Weather forecast, July 2021

A simple web application that allows users to search for a city to get the current weather and 5 day forecast. Cities that users previously looked up will be saved in their local storage. This web application was created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery. The Bulma CSS framework was used for styling the application. The OpenWeather API was used to retrieve weather information for this application. Moment.js was used to parse time and date information.

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Weekday Planner, June 2021

Time management plays an important role in the life of a Web Developer. As a person with a very busy schedule I decided to build this daily planner to help me keep on track with my daily tasks. It's an application built with HTML, CSS and Jquery . The texts areas change color according to the time of the day.

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Actor Lookup Movie, July 2021

We made an actor based movie lookup web app, our choice of API was IMbd, as CSS library Materialize and JavaScript was the biggest ⭐️ . Provide one or two actors and see a list of movies to watch and some meta details.

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JavaScript Quiz, June 2021

Mixing javascript with fun, a quiz to train your knowledge, using local storage to visualize the points. Have fun!

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Granny Crush, September 2021

Granny crush is an app dating for seniors, the inspiration came from a old friend of mine, who was strugguling to find a partner after being a widow for more than 40 years. my biggest challenge and achievement in this project was in addition to working in a group to be able to implement new technologies such as Multer and Socket.IO.

Check it out!
Professional READ ME generator, August 2021

It's a Node js application that creates a generated READ ME file if you answer some questions.

Check it out!